Monday, January 16, 2012

Accidents Happen!

I spent the weekend with a group of fellow Scout Leaders taking CPR and first aid training. It's something that everyone should do. You just never know when you're going to need to help someone. Taking a course like this will give you the skill and confidence to be able to help. You're not going to pull a Radar and do a tracheotomy but you will learn how to perform CPR, use and Automated External Defibulator and how treat illness and injury until you get professional help.

You just never know when something is going to go wrong. It's just a matter of time before you'll be faced with the ramifications of heart disease, diabetes, allergies and accidents. These are just four of the things you will probably be called upon to deal with at some point in your life. It might be your mom falling down the stairs, your son choking on a piece of food, you're grandparent having a stroke, your best friend slicing her hand instead of the chicken, a motor vehicle accident, one of your Scouts spraining an ankle.... (Yup, I've dealt with all of these.) If you're a parent or in a position of care for kids or the elderly, you're especially likely to be called upon to help. The life you save might be a family member, a friend, a co-worker, a stranger, and even maybe even your own.

I took my first First Aid and CPR course in Grade 9. I hate to admit it but that was 25 years ago. Since then I've taken about 10 first aid courses and used almost every skill I've ever been taught, except CPR. A standard CPR and First Aid course is 16 hours long. That's only one weekend. I promise you that it is time well spent. Call your local Red Cross, St John's Ambulance or ask your employer or volunteer organization to ask how you can get started today!


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