Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Homework Round Two

Jonas's homework tonight was to finish his Canada title page for Social Studies, and also to make a title page for his Habitats unit in Science. It's amazing the difference one successful homework session can make. On Monday night we had tears and sobbing. And last night, after Super Dad did his thing on Monday? Jonas worked independently for over an hour creating his master pieces.

Here's the completed Canada title page. It's the Canadian Shield. Get it? Canadian flag + a shield + mountains + lakes and oceans. He's particularly proud of the letters he made to spell Canada.

And here's the Habitats page. This subject is something nearer and dearer to his heart, because of his love of animals and the outdoors. This picture is of a pond in a forest, with a family of squirrels living in the tree and a bird flying overhead. He was very proud to show us that he even drew the shadow of the bird on the ground.

We're calling it success! Two times in a row. We're on a roll!


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