Tuesday, December 28, 2010

ADD and Loving It!

ADD and Loving It!

If you are dealing with ADHD, or if you love someone that is, be sure to check out this Canadian documentary. Even though it's targeted to adult ADHD, I find it tremendously encouraging and hopeful. This ground-breaking documentary is a blend of humour, hope, and science that dispels common myths about ADD/ADHD. Though it focuses mostly on adult ADHD, the film offers a ton of perspectives and strategies to help turn this diagnosis into something positive.
Canadian comedy legend Patrick McKenna is after the truth. “Everything you think you know about A.D.D. is wrong.” In this one hour documentary he talks to researchers, specialists and doctors about A.D.D. and A.D.H.D.. He also chats with ordinary Canadians & Americans who are directly dealing with the challenges of this common problem. Interwoven with these insights, Patrick shares his own life story and his struggle with undiagnosed and untreated A.D.H.D, and now his success taking it on Adult A.D.D..
Ignore the naysayers and go to this website. Get empowered today!

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